LED Lighting
Lighting Audit Services, Inc. (LASI) has partnered with Energy Innovation Group, Inc. (EIG), Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) and the California Hotels and Lodging Association (CHLA) to create the Trade Association Double Rebate LED Program.
The LED program developed from an aggregation of trade associations doubles the rebates provided by utilities to produce more total benefit than any other utility program.
LED Opportunity Overview
- Replace incandescent, halogen, PAR, BR and candelabra lighting with Energy Star qualified LEDs to cut lighting cost up to 80%.
- With up to 50,000 hour rated life LEDs, you reduce cost and demand on staff to replace burned out light bulbs.
- Areas with lighting used for long hours and sizeable wattage savings, LED cost is generally covered 100%.
- Areas with lighting used moderate hours, rebates reduce LED cost to as low as $5.00, depending on LED model.
- When there is a cost, payback is typically within 90 days, not considering benefit of reduced maintenance cost.
- When replacing CFLs, there may be a rebate provided by the utility, this program will reduce LED cost from $5 to $11, depending on LED model and utility.
- The normal cost of an LED typically ranges from $25 to $55.
- Most buildings want LED�s savings, lighting quality and long life, but not the high cost. This program eliminates that impediment.
To Participate in the Program
- An audit of existing lighting is completed and test LEDs are provided.
- EIG and LASI develop an Opportunity Report including economics and LEDs to be supplied.
- EIG and LASI submit the project to the utility for inspection and approval.
- EIG and LASI deliver LEDs for your installation, followed by final utility inspection.
Our efforts have started in California however we are excited to be rolling out this program nationally.
Please feel free to contact Brian Bridges (760)271-7023 or via email: